Saturday 19 February 2011

Activity 3

Hello students!

The activity for this week is to watch a video related to the correct pronunciation of regular verbs in simple past. Please after watching the video write a comment on the blog.


  1. well the video gives examples has seen in the saturday`s class!!
    when the regular verbs finish unvoiced consonant = (t)sound, example pack: (k)= packt!!

    the second case is voiced consonant, vowel. or diphthong ending, in this case you can pronunce (d) for example save: (e), save: saved!!

    finally when verbs ending in (t) or (d)you can pronunce (id)for example land = landid (landed sound)

    after she gives some examples of pronunce regular verbs!!! well the video is very good and i gonna lie of the web for studing in my home!!! thanks teacher!! bye.
    Omar Gonzalez C.

  2. eduardo de la cruz albino

    clearly explains how we pronounce the verbs and how we make our tongue and mouth when you desirlos well as last Saturday teacher explained in detail so that we can slowly pronouncing each of the verbs

  3. Hello Omar:

    Thank you for your comment, it is very interesting and you made the effort to publish the activity.

    See you.

  4. Eduardo:

    Very good¡ just try to use English as much as possible ok.

  5. Gabriela Hdz

    is very good and clear the pronunciation so further clarified the vocabulary :)

  6. hi
    is very important because help me with pronutiation and I teach me new verbs
