Student´s section

In this section you can publish comments about music, magazines and other things you consider interesting about English.

Hello everybody:

Here I´ll publish different activities and documents you create during the course.
Firstable you can check some descriptions using the past simple of the verb "to be".

In this composition you can appreciate that article "a" is missing before "clever" and also before "good", the most appropiate in this case is to replace "and"  with a comma (before "good") and  write a comma after "brother".

In this case, article "the" is necessary before "U.S.A." and "the people of  U.S.A." could be replaced by "the citizens".

Finally, "an" has to be replaced by "a" (before Mexican actor) in the case of  "in the TV" is better to write "on TV".
"The statue is of bronze" can be written "It is a bronze statue".
"sean 2 mt" can be written "it is 2 meters high"

I hope the suggestions are good and clear for you.

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