Monday 21 March 2011

10th Anniversary at CELe CUI

Here you can check the activities for the 10 th Anniversary at CELe CUI.

Remember you have to register for some activities, check the requiriments in the document:

Activities´ Program 

Your participation during the activities could be register on the next document, download it and fill it with your personal information:


Sunday 13 March 2011

Activity 5

Hi students:

Click on the pictures and print them, they are necessary for your writing activities. please deliver them at class.

Describe the objects and people in the classroom using there is, there are, some, any, and a or an

Describe the scene of this Aztec codice using there was or there were (use some, any, a, an).

Friday 11 March 2011

Activity 4

Hi students:

This time your activity consists on listening a dictation and writing what you hear, click below to listen the information:
